How to Set SMART Goals

SMART Goals are the vehicle to significantly enhance
your business results in the next year!!

Setting goals is easy but achieving them is for most people not that straight forward. SettingSMART goals can however help you turn your goals into reality.

Did you realise that the word “SMART” in actual fact has 2 meanings?

Firstly it is the acronym for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely goals.

Secondly it portrays a picture of the type of goal that you set – elegant, clever, intellectual and brainy.

Goals that comply to the SMART criterion are not only well structured, but also provide a clear direction of where you want to take your business.

Below is a short outline of what you need to take into account when setting smart goals.


Specific goals have an unquestionable meaning that anybody can understand. To set specific goals you need to answer the following “W” questions

  • Who is involved?
  • What do you want to accomplish?
  • When will it be finished?
  • Where will it take place?
  • Why is it important?

Specific goals take into account your available resources, knowledge and time.


Tip: A specific goal has a much greater chance of being accomplished than a general goal. 


You need to know when you achieve your goals or how far away you are from completing it. Measurable goals help you to keep track of your progress and when you get closer to the end product it will keep you motivated to reach the endpoint.

To determine if your goal is measurable, ask questions such as…..

  • How much?
  • How many?
  • How will I know when it is accomplished?

Define your goals in tangible terms, such as by numbers/amount, money value, time/hours etc. Then measure your progress until you achieve the desired outcome.


Tip: If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.


Smart goals need to have some stretch, but should still be achievable. Take care that you do not set goals that are too easy, too difficult or just plain boring.

Easy, boring goals defy the purpose of goal setting and unfortunately will not motivate you.

Unrealistic goals that are set too high will lead to frustration and finally surrender. Even if you do start with the best of intentions, the subconscious knowledge that it’s too far out of your reach will unintentionally effect you mind and will stop you from giving it your best shot.

A goal

  • that is important to you,
  • that you believe can be achieved and
  • that have the right amount of stretch

will subconsciously motivate you and open up your senses to find opportunities to bring yourself closer in achieving it.

You will develop attitudes, abilities, skills, and financial means to reach them. Even if these goals may have seemed out of reach, they will eventually move closer and become achievable, because you will grow and expand to match them.


This is not a synonym for “easy.”

Realistic, in this case, means “do-able.” To determine if your goal is realistic, ask the following questions.

  • Do you already have the necessary skills, knowledge and resources to achieve it? If not, can it be obtained?
  • Does the goal fit with the overall long term strategy of your business?

Remember, to be realistic, a goal must represent an endpoint towards which you are both willingand able to work to. A realistic goal should be something that you truly believe can be accomplished.


I honestly believe that a goal without a time limit is just a pipe dream!

Time limits can motivate you to reach your goals.

It is always easy to put off doing something you dislike eg. making calls to clients, keeping record of your hours and many other activities. Unfortunately, these delays only cost you time and money. By setting a time limit to all your goals (both short and long term), you can “force” yourself to take action immediately in order to complete it in time.

Time limits especially to short term goals, are a great way to ensure you make daily progress.


Tip: Nobody – except yourself – will keep you accountable for reaching your SMART goals. A good practice therefore is not to procrastinate on goals that you don’t necessarily like. Rather reward yourself when you reach your goals within the specified timeline.

For more information read

Why Goal Setting is Important
Goal Setting Tips
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